Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Only 14 (but really only 11 1/2) more days

I just took a three hour lunch and galavanted around D.C. with Ash...and no one knew (or cared). Will obviously be doing this more in the future.

Also, I realized I really only have 11 1/2 more days of this. Technically I have 14 more days of work, but next Thursday I can leave early if I want because apparently there's a baseball game in the middle of the day and people are allowed to leave early and get paid so they can see it (which I won't see it, but I can pretend to). And then the following week I don't have to work Tuesday or Wednesday because we're going to Elizabeth City, NC (and getting paid for it) overnight (and we're going to the beach).

What is my life?

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