Monday, June 22, 2009

Four days to glory

Back to the grind. Meaning sitting at a desk accomplishing little to nothing for ten hours a day.

I'm proud that today I actually finished a project. However, this project should have realistically taken me 20 minutes. It took me 5 hours, because I spent my time doing who EVEN KNOWS WHAT. I know it involved the internet. But it's not like I have Facebook, how did I possibly waste 4 hours and 40 minutes without social networking? I cannot understand.

I've also been assigned a new project. I am literally astounded every day as I work for the Federal Government by how LITTLE work is accomplished. For instance. My new project is to organize a binder. There is a list of projects that correspond with one page descriptions in the back of the binder, and literally my only task is to figure out which projects are listed but have no description sheet. Do I have to create a description sheet for the missing projects? Nope. I have to email some other guy and it's his job to create the sheets. This task in itself is not's dumb job, but someone has to do it, and it makes sense for an intern to do it, not a Commander (which is the person who gave it to me). Here's what doesn't make sense: He told me that there was no rush, as it was a low key assignment he wouldn't need for a few weeks.


Is this real life? Do people really get paid $17 an hour to sit at their desk listening to The Little Mermaid their iPod touch while they eat fun sized kitkat bars and read Perez Hilton?

Yes. They do. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts. Because my once excellent (albeit last-minute due to extreme laziness) work ethic is basically going to be gone forever by the end of this summer.

So as I sit here, staring at my computer, waiting for the notification on the bottom right side of my screen that says I have an email from my dad that only says "Off", signaling that the carpool is leaving and it's time for me to leave this mystical place where time stands still and youtube reigns...I'll write about my weekend.

Aka, Shannon thinks everyone needs to get married IMMEDIATELY. Turns out wedding was not quite as insane as rehearsal dinner, but I feel like this was because the only person I knew was Jack, who was sick, and who decided we would leave at 9. Aka, when my friends get married, and by friends I mean a friend who I have several mutual friends with, not a music major friend who invited no other music related people whatsoever, it's gonna be a great time.

Actually in four days, ANYTHING is gonna be a great time.

But the one thing I can comment on at this wedding (well besides the actual wedding, which was lovely and made me depressed about being 100% single, just like it's supposed to) was my table at the reception. Let's take a second to discuss the weirdest assortment of people ever. Jack, but a sick not wanting to be there so not talking much Jack. A random girl who was a Dukette with Kristy their freshman year of college, but she was there ALONE so was not so chatty, Jason's two roommates (I guy and a girl who I couldn't decide whether or not they were together) who I think might've been more sad about him moving out than happy about him getting married. We finish out this cocktail with Jason's random friend from high school who brought his sister who had just graduated HS and never been to VA. And who literally did not stop talking the entire night.

Don't get me wrong, she was very nice and if she wasn't talking, my guess is that no one would have been, because my mind was still wrecked from the weird table I was sitting at. So it was probably a good thing.

Well I just got the Off email I had so eagerly been anticipating.

To be continued.........

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