Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Don't test my sincerity

According to Ash I have good discipline and this year I'm putting that into practice (of course not when it comes to money, some things ARE impossible feats).

I'm completely serious about teaching myself to be fluent in Spanish. Now that I have been attempting to get jobs for the past three months and I've seen how many say "bilingual preferred", I'd have to be crazy NOT to use my time to learn how to speak it. So today we went to Borders and bought Rosetta Stone Espanol (Spain), a pocket spanish dictionary, and most importantly, a SLANG dictionary. And a lot of other books too. In english though. Including all the works of Jane Austen (yesssss).

But that's unrelated.

The other thing I plan on doing every day until I am satisfied is working out for two hours. It sounds insane but I literally have nothing better to do. The only problem I currently have is I have no tennis shoes but tonight I might try and steal my Mom's, even though they're two sizes too big, but just to see if they'll work for now.

What's nice about both of these is that Rosetta Stone comes with audio CDs you can put on iPods, so I can do these two things CONGRUENTLY! So efficient.

Anyway I have no punishment system if I don't do either of these except my own guilt and regret, which hopefully will do for now.

1 comment:

  1. I believe in you! :) You should sign up for like a 10k run or something...that would motivate you to keep working out everyday...i always get so distracted so easy unless i have signed up for something and Paid money lol. anyway, i like reading ur posts! good luck with all of it :)
