Thursday, June 17, 2010

More things that I've learned on vacation

10. Downtown Disney is AWESOME
11. Downtown Disney is EXPENSIVE
12. There is nowhere convenient to get off the highway to pee in Orlando
13. They do not card in DT Dis...underage paradise?
14. The world's biggest Disney store is as wonderful as it sounds
15. Class of 2010 Mickey ears are essential to a new graduate's collection of Disney paraphernalia
16. People from the 1700's had electric cellos. Also they were/are? street musicians in popular theme parks
17. Bartenders are tight. Waiters from Morocco are NOT.
18. Washington Apple shooters are not good
19. You can make friends anywhere.
20. There are actual people who were not born there who love Harrisonburg and can't wait to go back. Nothing blew my mind more than this.
21. Fun STOPS at midnight.
22. Being a security guard at a rest stop suckssss
23. Joe Scott did not actually impregnate Allison Kinney, forcing them into marriage. That was only a horrible nightmare.
24. My family is cute:

Also in my dream I was Allison's MOH but also Joe's best man? Weirded out. And yes, we met someone from HARRISONBURG in Downtown Disney last night. So crazy. She came over to our table to tell Brandon he had the best laugh ever, and then she asked us where we were from. When we said Northern VA, she was like "Oh ok, I'm from Harrisonburg."
...aka all of us were like WHAT?! Because seriously no one is from there. But she moved to Chicago after college, so she was normal. Also she's not really from HBurg (so she is normal). But she wants to move back (maybe she's not normal)?? Life.

On the ballot for today: Food (duh), more extreme tanning/pool lounging, minor league baseball game with $1 blueberry beers...classy, and mentally preparing for the glory that is tomorrow...HARRY POTTER WORLD

1 comment:

  1. you and joe were both in MY dream last night. we were at your apartment but it was sweet and had a roof. we sat on the roof and told each other why we loved each other. and took shots of absolut raspberry. kelly mclendon was there looking gorgeous as always. and some other people that i didn't recognize.
